Port do Cabedelo (Paraiba Brazil)

Port do Cabedelo (Paraiba Brazil)

To precisely geolocate this site. Update if necessary.


Port do Cabedelo (Paraiba Brazil)




Cabedelo is situated approximately 100MN south of Natal where the Rio Paraiba enters the sea. It's location makes it a useful arrival/departure point for Brazil. It is situated on the eastern bank of the Northern Paraíba River Estuary, just 18 km from João Pessoa City, Capital of the State of Paraíba.

Entry is possible day or night, as the channel is well marked with buoys. Note however that quite often some of these are not working, so if your first time it's advisable to avoid a night entry.

It is a good place to leave the boat if exploring the interior.

Clearance should be completed within two working days of arrival. The order in which you visit the various officials is important, otherwise, you might have a wasted journey. If one is not available, just return the next day.

Visit Immigration (Federal Police) first, followed by the Customs (Alfandega) with the ships’papers and the document provided by the police, then the Health Authorities (Vigilancia Sanitaria) with any vaccination documents and finally the Port Authority with all the papers presented and provided so far and all the documentation previously accumulated.

Remember, all the crew has to be present.

There is a marina close to Joao Pessoa, capital of Paraíba state. The police visit the marina every day and one can drive with them to check in at Cabedelo where there is also a customs office and the port captain's office. This is in front of the harbour entrance in Cabedelo.

If Jacare is your first port of call, take the train from the station next to Jacare Wharf to Cabedello (20 minutes). It is now possible to complete all the formalities at the harbour. Alternatively, if staying at the marina here, they will assist you with doing formalities, all very quick and easy.

All the authorities are all located inside the port of Cabedelo premises or just in front. The train station is quite near (get out on the right hand side), follow the street parallel to the tracks until the port area, turn right and the port entry is 200m away. Just ask for “Policia Federal”, then for Alfandega””, afterwards for “Capitania dos Portos” and finally for “Vigilancia Sanitaria.”. Remember most offices close between 11.30 am and 2 pm.

Normally you will be granted a 90 day visa which can be extended for another 90 days, but be sure to get the extension before the initial 90 days expires as there is a fine for each day otherwise.

This coast is fringed by reefs, so it is important to make for the outer buoy of the approach channel.

The entrance and channel are well marked but not all beacons are lit. The river is also quite wide with several shallow areas, so unless you know the place well it is advisable to do a daytime entry or exit. Jacare Village marina have a list of entry points on their website.

Once inside the harbour, keep close to the quay, after which, move to the centre of the river Paraiba. There is a shoal in front of Favella and anchoring near here is not recommended.

Phone: +55 83 3228 2030
Fax: +55 83 3228 2033

Port do Cabedelo (Paraiba Brazil)
Port de commerce

L'entrée du port de Cabedelo, au est située sur la pointe extrême Est du continent Sud Américain.
«  Jacaré » (ce qui signifie Crocodile, mais vous aurez bien du mal à en trouver un !) est à 2 miles derrière le port (07°02?S, 34°51W) dans l'estuaire abrité du rio Paraïba ; c'est une escale connue de bouche à oreille depuis les années 70, réputée calme et sûre, avec un chenal d'entrée bien balisé, de jour comme de nuit (ce qui n'est pas souvent le cas sur la côte du Brésil).


NE Brazil

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  • publication date: 23 Jul 2024
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