Pulau Kukup (Johor - Malaysia)

Pulau Kukup (Johor - Malaysia)

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Isola / Atoll
Parco Naturale


Pulau Kukup (Johor - Malaysia)
Pulau Kukup (Johor - Malaysia)

Strait of Malacca (East)

  • 83 sites
  • 69 photos
  • publication date: 22 Jul 2024
  • .pdf file size: 36 Mb
Located South-west of Johor, about 5,5 NM NW of Tg Piai, 1 km offshore from the quaint little fishing village of Kampung Air Masin in Kukup Laut (Pontian District), Pulau Kukup is an low, flat island entirely covered by mangrove forest and surrounded by mudflats - the mudflats extend up to a few kilometres on the West and Northwest of the island.
There is currently no human habitation or man made structures on the island.

In order to promote preservation of this unique mangrove habitat, Pulau Kukup is designated as a Ramsar site (or otherwise known as a Wetlands of International Importance) on 31 January 2003, it is also protected as a national park under the Johor State Park Corporation Enactment 1989 since 27 March 1997.

Pulau Kukup is dissected by a few tidal creeks and channels.In passing Pulau Kukup, caution must be exercised because the E current sets strongly toward the shore and the W current toward Long Bank on the opposite side of the fairway.

Sumatra (Indonesia)

  • 326 sites
  • 109 photos
  • publication date: 23 Jul 2024
  • .pdf file size: 109 Mb
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Siti intorno a Pulau Kukup (Johor - Malaysia)

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