The Kattegat or Kattegatt is the sea area bounded by the Jutland peninsula and the Straits islands of Denmark .
The main islands of the Kattegat are Samsø, Læsø and Anholt, where the latter two, due to their dry summer climate, are referred to as the Danish desert belt.
The central islands, banks, and shoals divide the Kattegat into two main channels. The E channel, which is most commonly used, is deeper than the W channel and is less encumbered with dangers.
Anholt LighthouseThe first lighthouse in Denmark was etablished in Skagen and Anholt in 1561. For many years there was a tilt beacon on Anholt eastern end, but in 1788 this was replaced by the brick lighthouse which stands there today was built under the leadership of Poul Løvenørn. ...
Fornæs LighthouseGrenaaAfter England War 1807-14 was the marking of the Danish coasts to a halt. In 1830 lighthouse inspector C.A. Leth responsible for the Danish lighthouse. And he spent 1838-1839 two new lighthouse construction, first lighthouse at Hirsholmen and then lighthouse ...
Vinga - The gateway to Westsweden Information, slideshows and sounds from Vinga. (In Swedish). Select bilder to view the slideshows. More on this lighthouse on