Olipski Kanal
This channel is deep and has a minimum navigable width of 0.7 mile. It is often used by vessels proceeding to and from Zadar.
Good anchorage is ...
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The coast is home to 2 W moorings and a small port and there is a pier for the ferry in Uvala Loza E. By Bora the Ferry dock is at Luka Krijal, the other side of the island.
The village of Premuda is on a hillside between Luka and Krijal Uvala Loza.
Premuda is famous for its diving spots. Siroka bay, on the SW coast of Premuda, is a famous point of diving. The famous cave, named "Cathedral" is in this bay.
Among others Premuda Island is known for the sunken ship Szent Istvan located some miles further to the open sea. This famous ship appertained to Teggethoff fleet under Austro-Hungarian navy. Teggethoff fleet was made up of 4 ships: Sz. Istvan, Prinz Eugen, Teggethoff and Viribus Unitis. The ship Szent Istvan is the only of them to survive.
The islands are located Kamenjak Lutrosnjak and in front of his Northwest Coast.Le village de Premuda est à flanc de colline entre Luka Krijal et Uvala Loza.
Premuda est réputée pour ses spots de plongée. La baie de Siroka, sur la côte SW de Premuda, est un fameux spot de plongée. La célèbre grotte nommée "Cathédrale" se trouve dans cette baie.
Parmi les nombreuses épaves de Premuda il y a celle de Szent Istvan située à quelques miles au large. Ce fameux bateau appartenait à la flotte de Teggethoff de la marine austro-hongroise. La flotte de Teggethoff était composée de 4 navires: Sz Istvan, Prinz Eugen, Teggethoff et Virbus Unitis. Le navire Szent Istvan est le seul d'entre eux qui n'ait pas coulé.
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