Port du Moure-Rouge, lying 0.5 mile NNE of Cap de la Croisette, is a small craft harbor which is protected by two jetties. A prominent seminary, formerly a hotel, stands halfway up a hill, 0.7 mile NE of the harbor.
Small port open to E Wind.
300 pl. (<8m) incl. 90 visit.
Deux jetées en enrochement forment un petit port abri mais l'accés délicat par fort Mistral.
Cannes bay is located between Pointe de l'Aiguille and Cap de la Croisette, 4 miles ENE, from which the islands "Les Îles de Lerins" extends up to 2 miles. The E side of the gulf is occupied by the town and port of Cannes well known by it's film festival, where the houses form ...
Golfe Juan is entered between Cap de la Croisette and Point de l'Ilette, 3.8 miles ENE. This gulf is sheltered from the SW by Iles de Lerins and from the S by shoals and is one of the best roadsteads along this part of the coast. In the approaches to the gulf, the currents are weak ...
Ile Saint-Marquerite, the bigest island close to the city of Cannes, lies centered 1 mile SSE of Cap de la Croisette and is very wooded. A conspicuous citadel, in which there is a disused signal station, stands near the middle of the N coast of the island. A small shipyard is situated ...
A conspicuous chateau stands on a projection on the S coast of the island. The belfry of an abbey, which emerges from the surrounding trees close N of the chateau, is prominent. The E extremity of the island is surrounded by small islets and rocks which extend up to 0.3 mile from ...
Petit abri pour les barques de pêche accolé au port du Palm Beach, à l'extrémité d'une petite plage. Deux courtes jetées en enrochements dont les quais intérieurs sont accostables délimitent un plan d'eau pour une trentaine de bateaux, en avant d'une plage où de nombreuses ...
A prominent casino stands on Cap de la Croisette. A hill, 245m high, stands 1.7 miles NNE of Cap de la Croisette and is surmounted by a prominent water tower; a large hotel stands halfway up this hill and is conspicuous. The conspicuous Observatoire du Grand Pin surmounts the summit ...