Islas Chafarinas, consisting of three islands, lie 2 miles N of Cap de l’Eau (Ras el Ma). They are of volcanic origin and consist of white decomposed rock. When seen from the E or W, these islands show up well, but from the N, they are difficult to distinguish from the land behind them.
Isla del Congreso, the largest and W island, is steep and rugged on its W side, which is 137m high, but has more of a gentle slope on its E side. A light is shown from a tower, 3m high, standing on Punta del Faro, the S extremity. A stranded wreck lies 0.4 mile N of the light.
Isla de Isabel II, the middle island, lies close E of Isla Congreso. It is 40m high and Torre de la Conquista, which is fittedwith a conspicuous clock, stands near the middle of the N side.
Numerous large buildings, including a hospital, are situated on the island. Islas Chafarinas Light is shown from a structure, 18m high, standing near the NW extremity of this island.
Isla del Rey, the E island of the group, is 31m high. It is connected to Isla de Isabel II by a partly-destroyed breakwater.
These islands afford the only natural anchorage roadstead off the coast of Morocco which is suitable for all classes of vessels. There are depths of 10 to 17m; good holding ground, muddy sand.