boat crew to extract Tololea February 12, 2006:
"Hello friends ... The Red Sea is a very tough sea to navigate, more boring than the Mediterranean.
In three months we-have-been about 1 week of calm weather. The wind blows 95% of the north or northwest time and Did not fall overnight; rigor he calms but no more. Currents aussi lifting the waves and can slow you gravement enough.
The sea soon unleashed, much shorting than in the Mediterranean and with just 20 knots of wind you already 3 meters waves. The coral is very beautiful diving goal for moorings is very annoying and dangerous goal we-have no choice. Someone Told me yesterday That, to navigate without too much stress in the Red Sea, one must be willing to lose His boat and we're really not. in addition , you can expect no help of any kind if you happen anything to you or your boat.
We spent the Strait of Tyrant, washing machine with waves of 4 meters contre us. We've put all the Gulf of Aqaba with the wind, currents and sea contre us, we Suffered Front 45 knots with waves of 5 meters minimum contre us at night (at night or the Egyptian ferry Poured We Were not very far from it, we aim Did not Know), not to mention the 30/35 knots galore. We hit the coral ounce and-have a big sweater profit more fear than harm, the boat hAD nothing Because We Were going very slowly. We had damage, Among --other windlass and this is significant really, the torn genoa 2 times, the engine Suddenly stops in the Gulf of Suez crossing with the wind and sea contre you (They Were crap in the diesel goal this you know the only after) and it is an urgent need to fix Because You must happen at anchor before nightfall in order to slalom entre les coral. in addition, apart from Internet "windgourou", there is no valid weather here. Even the Navtex is unreliable Because if there is a gust of wind to 30 knots annoncé we Navtex, they are forced to make a weather forecast every hour to inform the evolution of bad weather and as They are lazy like snakes, They Never announce this scab? gold always below 30 knots, qui Prevents Them from sending a weather report every hour? or They do not give outright weather That Day? it's convenient huh ????
You pay a license to navigate goal at anchor you do not-have the right to go ashore, ever !!!! Only in marinas and there really is not much ...
and, finally, the loss of His dinghy with 25HP engine while We Were at anchor in a reef in northern Sudan During a night of strong wind Where We have, of course, not sleep. So we say to stop all this bullshit. The boat shoulds be fun and in contention Circumstances , for us, the pleasure one HAS not found ...
This is news moral purpose is good, I think we made the right decision, one to stop the rally and to turn back. Here we-have everything to relax and above all very good friends Who-have supported us Throughout our journey. Moreover, at a very reasonable price of $ 150 per month, the Abu Tig Marina is the best of the Red Sea with an English director and Swiss secretary Who speaks fluent French. at least one is included . and is Easily Understood
One positive though: it's winter, it feels good and, for diving, this is paradise, coral and fish are truly magnificent.
That's all the news, you Kisses HAS 2
Jean-Claude and Patricia Tololea
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